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 for Clinical Research
Designed and manufactured in Finland

Put in Bed, Plug on, and Sleep!


Emfit QS is widely used in clinical research. Being non-wearable, automatic and autonomous enables comfortable use and participant adherence even in long term study. Our comprehensive calculated data and very clean ballistocardiography signal waveform are highly interesting today for various medical insights and discoveries related, for example, heart failure or COPD patients.


Cellular network connectivity (3G version) enables hassle-free home installation for research participant. APIs allows effortless data delivery from our cloud to study data collection site. It couldn't be easier to enrol participants and conduct studies than using Emfit QS!


The Sleep Period API

The SleepPeriod API is a "push API" where all sleep period data is pushed to a given endpoint URL after a period has ended. It provides heart rate, breathing rate, and movement activity data every 4 seconds—sleep staging by every 30 seconds and HRV RMSSD by every 3 minutes. The research potential of this high-frequency and high quality calculated data is vast.


Band-Pass-filtered Sensor Signal API

The band-pass-filtered sensor signal is available as "get API". The low band 0,07 - 3 Hz is sampled at 25 Hz. The high band is either 1 - 35 Hz band and sampled at 100 Hz, or 1 - 100 Hz band and sampled at 200 Hz. Both high band options show clearly both ballistocardiogram and breathing, and the later also snoring and heart sounds. The amount of data collected — and the insight gained — is groundbreaking.


We’re working with medical partners. At the development of Emfit QS features for research, we have worked with leading hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, research organisations and universities in Europe, USA, Australia, Japan and China. Their needs have helped us create the hardware, SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), and APIs. 

Emfi, Emfit, and Emfit logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Emfit Ltd in EU, USA, China and other countries.  © Emfit Ltd 2004-2022. All rights reserved. Patents granted and pending for. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.  

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