Emfit's nonintrusive and contact-free ballistocardiograph sleep sensor installs under a bed mattress and connects to WI-Fi or uses cellular data network.

Emfit sleep sensing uses secure web application that opens nicely also with phones and all common browsers. Whole-night heart-rate-variability (HRV) is one of many key values for users.

Emfit QS provides whole-night heart-rate-variability (HRV) automatically from every night. Key value for professional athletes!

Emfit's nonintrusive and contact-free ballistocardiograph sleep sensor installs under a bed mattress and connects to WI-Fi or uses cellular data network.

Contact-free Sleep Sensing Solutions
Established in 1990, we are the world-leading manufacturer of contact-free, under mattress installed sleep sensing solutions. Accurate, validated data is based on ballistocardiography principle and is automatically available via cloud-based solution. We offer our solution both for private and business use.
In 2004 we introduced the first generation contact-free vital signs monitor, which has since evolved into today's 4th generation. Today our EMFIT QS is the most comprehensive IoT sleep sensing solution in the market. It provides continuous contact-free measuring with data including heart and breathing rates, sleep classes (REM, deep, light, awake), movement activity, whole night heart-rate-variability and autonomic nervous system balance (ANS).
"It’s the most accurate of the contactless sleep trackers I’ve tried."
"If you’ve targeted better sleep as the key to unlocking your performance potential in 2018, this could be the sleep tracker for you."
"Overall, the Emfit QS provides highly detailed sleep analysis for those who want to find out more about their sleep health, and their overall cardiovascular fitness and recovery."
"The tracking goes much deeper than what is provided by other trackers…"
"So far I’m very happy with my Emfit QS. It’s supposed to be the most accurate sleep tracking device out there that doesn’t involve sticking electrodes on your forehead.
"This is a great product which far exceeded my expectations."
"Emfitin myötä olen oppinut, että huonot yöt kuluttaa mua huomattavasti enemmän kuin treenit."
"Ich persönlich bin ich vom Emfit QS ziemlich angetan, denn die technische Leistung und Genauigkeit ist für den Preis einfach unglaublich!"
Emfit Ltd
Konttisentie 8 B
Phone: +358 20 778 0870
USA &Canada
Emfit, Corp.
415 N. Guadalupe St. #403
San Marcos, TX 78666
Phone: +1 (512) 266-6950